Technical Services Consulting Agreement Template

This agreement is by and between the following parties:

​ [Consultant.City] [Consultant.State] [Consultant.PostalCode] ​

​ [Client.City] [Client.State] [Client.PostalCode] ​

The parties listed above (known as "Consultant" and "Client") hereby agree to enter into a business relationship whereby Consultant provides technical services consulting in consideration of payment provided by Client, pursuant to the entire terms of this agreement.


This technical contract agreement template is specifically designed to help technical services consultants establish business contracts with new clients. It includes essential sections such as pricing, legal terms, and electronic signature fields.

This technical services agreement outlines the terms and conditions for the provision of technical services consulting by [Consultant.Company] ("Consultant") to [Client.Company] ("Client").

Agreement Terms

Contract law can vary by jurisdiction, so it’s important to have any contract, including this technical contract agreement template, reviewed by legal counsel before having a client sign. This step will help ensure your agreement complies with applicable laws and regulations within your jurisdiction.

The Consultant shall provide technical consulting services as agreed upon between the parties. The specific services to be provided, deliverables, timelines, and compensation details shall be documented in a separate Scope of Work (SOW) or project plan.

Client agrees to pay Consultant the agreed-upon fees as outlined in the SOW or project plan. Payment terms, including any applicable milestones and payment schedule, shall be specified in the SOW or project plan.

Consultant shall perform the services as an independent contractor and not as an employee or representative of the Client. Consultants shall be responsible for all taxes, insurance, and other liabilities associated with their status as independent contractors.

Our Technical Proposal Template is an essential resource for technical professionals seeking new projects or clients. This template allows you to outline your technical expertise, proposed solutions, methodology, project scope, and estimated costs, providing potential clients with a clear understanding of how your technical services can address their needs.


It’s essential to include provisions for cancellation in your consulting agreement. This technical services agreement template provides the clause below allowing either party to cancel the agreement by providing 30 days written notice via certified mail or email. Additionally, this template specifies how payment for services rendered before the cancellation date should be handled.

In the event of cancellation by either party, all fees shall be paid up to the date of cancellation, and any outstanding work or deliverables that has been paid for shall be delivered to the Client promptly upon request.

Services Provided

Tailor this technical services agreement to match the specifics of your consulting services, including service descriptions, pricing, and payment details. The more details you provide, the better.

Consultant agrees to provide services including the following:


Pricing & Payment

Client agrees to pay Consultant a monthly retainer each month for the duration of this technical services consulting agreement, as detailed in the table below: