If you feel that this is the right option for you, it will take NO money down for you to receive a monthly payment for the use of the space in your business.
Enjoy a FREE ATM Machine
Have it Shipped and Installed in Your Location at NO COST
Enjoy the Additional Revenue of Having a Machine in Your LocationDuring any time of the term of your agreement if you decide that you would like to purchase your ATM to add to your revenue stream, you will be given fair market price for the ATM that is already installed in your business.
Your business will need to pay for the cost of the phone line and installation when you choose to purchase.
If you are a business owner and are looking for a way to increase the revenue you generate, an ATM might be an excellent option.
If you don’t want to own a machine, but would still like to enjoy some of the benefits, our free ATM placement program could be an excellent option for you.
This program helps you to enjoy a free ATM, have it shipped and installed in your location at no cost to you, and enjoy the additional revenue of having a machine in your location.
You can also rest easy knowing that your machine will be fully maintained and serviced as needed, and your customers will have a toll free support line that they can call 24/7 should they need to report a problem or ask a question.
GoldStar assumes all of the charges that go with having your ATM installed, the purchase of the machine, and paper for receipts for the life of the agreement.
All you need to do is supply space and power; GoldStar ATM will do the rest.
*Make customers happy
*Stimulate more traffic